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Exploration — why in the world

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Exploration — why in the world?

The traditional reason for exploration — to boldly go where no mangone before — has become aout of date now. Cornersthe world that have notexplored are rare indeed. Theyexist, however, and from polarto tropical rainforest, from 8,000 min the Himalayas to submarinein the Caribbean — the attemptsdiscover still continue.
The increasingin exploration is reflected ingrowth of companies which specialiseholiday-length expeditions to the foothillsthe Himalayas, Africa and South. Such tours are unlikely toreal danger but they offerchallenge to allow the traveller somethe achievement of full-scale.
The line dividing exploration fromis difficult to draw now.may range from packaged adventureswell-known routes to aassault on some remote mountainwhere survival relies on good, technical skill, judgement and good. As one climbing enthusiast put: «Some people can get fullfrom simply admiring a mountaina safe distance. Others mightbe satisfied by actually climbing the mountain.»

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