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Английские устойчивые словосочетания

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1. I don’t see any point in continuing to compete in the Japanese market. We’re fighting a losing ______ .

2. I need to get away from everything and lie back and relax on an unspoilt ______ somewhere.

3. I’m appalled by your callous ______ . That is no way for a responsible company to act.

4. He continues to cling to the ______ that he can do everything. But he really needs to delegate.

5. I’m happy to say that we have derived considerable ______ from working with your company.

6. They show a deep-rooted ______ against buying foreign products.

7. Their claim really stretches the bounds of ______ . I’m sure it’s false.

8. Cleaning up the pollution will be expensive. Who is going to foot the ______ ?

9. The strike last year created great ______ between the strikers and the non-strikers.

10. The public inquiry absolved my company from any ______ .

11. When it exploded I got caught in the ______ and was thrown 50 feet.

12. It took me a while to get over such a devastating ______ .

13. When I was made redundant I was given a big cheque to soften the ______ .

14. I think we have committed a monumental ______ here. How can we put it right?

15. somebody is going to have to shoulder the ______ for what has gone wrong.

16. I’m going to a ______ concert in aid of the flood victims in Africa.

17. I’m phoning up concerning your outstanding ______ . When can you settle it?

18. He hasn’t worked in years and now lives on unemployment ______ .

19. She has a deep-rooted ______ in her own ability.

20. When the boss comes, I want you all to be on your best ______ . No fooling around.

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