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Speaking Club

For everybody who wants to practice their fluency of speech with a native speaker.

    English Conversational Club

    An informal event at our school for everybody who wants to practice their fluency of speech with a native speaker.

    Each Saturday we meet at 13:00 to share our opinions on most various conversational topics. We clearly understand that the practice of spoken speech is essential for all English learners. Our Conversational Club is a wonderful opportunity to have good time, meet a native speaker and other learners of English and have a thorough discussion.

    This event doesn’t have a classical structure of a lesson, on the contrary to all rules and classical studies here people just speak, drop jokes, say what they thinks about the discussed issues in the atmosphere of friendly comfort. We don’t specially define levels of knowing the language neither do we offer any placement tests to enroll on that course. You can attend only one Saturday or become our regular member of the club. The only one thing required is your enthusiasm to speak and meet new people.

    What features this event?

    To make each meeting of the club more interesting we invite different native speakers from various parts of the world: from the USA, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. They lead a talk, ask questions, explain some of the new words and ask for your ideas. Here is an illustrative list of topics to discuss:

    • Healthy lifestyle and lifehacks
    • What does success take?
    • Men are from Mars, women are from Venus
    • Customs and traditions
    • Mass media and its role in our lives
    • Prognosis for the future: What’s waiting for us?
    • Passion for travelling
    • The monster Internet
    • Fashion and its antics
    • Going out and different food experiences


    Christopher Webb

    Кристофер родился и жил в Манчестере, Великобритания. Он всегда интересовался путешествиями, и тем, как живут другие культуры и люди различных национальностей, поэтому приехал в Санкт-Петербург учить русский язык и преподавать английский. Специально для этого он окончил курсы преподавания английского языка как иностранного.
    На занятиях Кристофера можно узнать много интересных фактов из жизни англоговорящих людей, а также узнать, как люди разговаривают в реальной жизни, а не только то, чему учат в школе и университете.

    Вероника Слугоцкая

    Вероника отправилась в свое первое заграничное путешествие в 2016 году, и с тех постоянно поддерживает языковую практику с носителями языка. Она считает, чтобы заговорить на английско, внутри должен гореть огонек интереса и мечты: общаться с англоговорящими друзьями, прочитать любимую книгу в оригинале или создать международные рабочие связи.

    За это время она много путешествовала по Европе, месяц шла по международному пути Сантьяго в Испании, общаясь с людьми из десятков стран, была волонтером преподавателем английского языка для детей на Бали.
    “Для меня преподавание - это сочетание системы и творчества, знаний и вечного поиска нового.”
    Уроки Вероники - это всегда маленький праздник, который при этом задействует все каналы восприятия для изучения английского.

    Yelisaveta Volkova

    Elisaveta is an incredibly charming and sensitive teacher who will find approaches to a student of any age.
    In addition, Elisaveta is constantly improving her language skills: she studies literature, watches popular English-speaking bloggers getting acquainted with youth slang - so be sure that with this teacher you will be aware of all the latest trends. Besides, Elisaveta once took part in the creation of a translation for a computer game, so if you are interested in this area, you can ask Elisaveta to share her experience.

    Leyla Musaeva

    A native speaker teacher from the USA. The University of Texas at Austin (USA), English and Literature. Certification in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA).
    Has been working for Glory School since 2011.
    “When students are interested in something and can connect it to their lives they are more highly motivated and learn at a better rate.”

    Anastasia Levinskaya

    Anastasia has been working at Glory School since 2018, and it's hard to imagine a more irreplaceable teacher.
    Anastasia teaches both groups and individuals. She can help you prepare for an interview or exam, teach you to communicate while traveling, and even to conduct complex business negotiations. Anastasia can find an approach to any student and show how interesting learning a foreign language can be.
    Anastasia herself, by the way, speaks Spanish and remembers firsthand what it means to learn a language from scratch. So if you have a chance to study with her, you are very lucky!

    Rodion Sapelkin

    Rodion has been working in our school since the fall of 2020, but thanks to his responsible approach and enthusiasm, he has already become one of the favorite teachers among our students. In his classes, the teacher often uses the format of games, quizzes, and applies a lot of authentic materials.
    Rodion is a real expert in the field of language and culture of the United States and Great Britain, so in the classroom you can learn a lot of new and interesting things.
    Right now, he is getting another higher education at St. Petersburg University, since the teachers' studies never end! In addition to English, Rodion also speaks French and Spanish, so the thirst for knowledge, the desire to develop and help others is at his best.

    Edgar Ilyasov

    Edgar has an incredibly long and interesting history of language learning and teaching.
    Edgar began his journey with foreign languages in the linguistic academy. Later, linguistics became a great part of his life and career.
    Edgar graduated from the University of Canada and passed the international TOEFL exam. Sometime later, he studied at the University of York and McMaster University where he was parallel teaching in the direction of "World Health".
    As a result, Edgar lived for 13 years in Canada, where during this time he not only mastered his teaching skills at one of the best universities in the country but also became practically a native speaker of English. And now Edgar returned to his native land to share his knowledge and experience with the students of Glory School.

    Evgeny Ovsyannikov

    Евгений закончил Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет гражданской авиации. Он является специалистом по связям с общественностью. Евгений любит смотреть американское кино 70-90х, слушать синтвейв и пост-рок, увлекается играми и японской анимацией.
    Евгений преподает английский детям и взрослым c 2018 года онлайн и оффлайн, постоянно повышая свою квалификацию на курсах, поэтому он является профессионалом.
    В нашей школе он преподает индивидуально и в группах.

    Alexandra Vorobyova

    Lessons with Alexandra are both useful and pleasant! She teaches English and French through clear, real-life examples and situations.
    Alexandra studied at Ecole des Roches, France (2013), at St. Petersburg State University under a double degree program together with Bard College, NY (2018), and in 2020 she graduated from the Herzen University, Communication technologies in education. In addition, Alexandra has extensive teaching experience.
    Here is what she says to her students: there is an expression: "In order to succeed, your desire is needed more than your fear of failure. " It's not scary to learn, it's not scary to make mistakes, it's scary not to try, especially if we're talking about learning a foreign language :)

    Anna Danileyko

    A qualified teacher of English. Graduated from Leningrad State University.
    Has been working for Glory School since 2018.
    “English classes are always a good fun for me though with a deep level of language analyses. To make it even more effective and enjoyable I am choosing a dilemma to distract students attention from mistakes to a real talk.”

    Тесты online - английский, испанский, французский, итальянский, немецкий
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